Senin, 30 November 2015

umbrella Miss (Payung Rindu)

Fret no meaning, biodegradable umbrella longing, into your love interest, depressed increasingly manifest. destroyed already hope to be with you, fall've rope of love, said the final difference heartbreaking farewell tears. Love is not just a toy is easily forgotten, because it created the deepest hearts, hurt my heart because of you. "Love is not a toy, if it comes from the heart, it is very difficult to remove"

Translate into indonesia
Resah tiada makna, terurai payung rindu, menjadi bunga cinta, gundah kian menjelma. musnah sudah harapan untuk bersamamu, gugur sudah ikatan tali kasihmu,kata beda akhir perpisahan tangis memilukan. cinta bukan hanyalah mainan mudah dilupakan, karna itu tercipta dihati yang paling dalam, hatiku terluka karenamu.

"cinta bukan mainan, jika ia datang dari hati, maka sangat sulit dihapus"

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